Sunday 8 November 2015

Leather Beauty III

Re-starting my Tumblr and it'll be more Leather Orientated as oppossed to personal stuff (me Mum's even on the original blog lol ) but it's a no brainer that it's  this stuff that people like about my blogging rather than the other cool stuff I like- so I'll try and  find something to share each day there too(should grow into a big archive like here-also re-instated archive here didn't notice it had dissapeared -so plenty to look at here too) but for  Leather Beauty III check out this link   still find it all a bit bewildering to tell you the truth. 


  1. I like it- I think tumblr has a 'cleaner' presentation for your posts, I like the layout.

  2. I looked through ther layouts they expect you to pay money for it_I'm not a stinge -but the whole point of blogging to me is that you are in the driving seat -not them - I did change layout of this blog a year or two ago but it confused everyone lol -finding tumblr a bit perplexing but i'll make a daily effort there too if possible
