Tuesday 1 December 2009

Rebels of the Flesh

Talk about the perfect band for this blog and the perfect band name , can't believe I've never heard of them  untill now(I don't read the music press any more you see I tend to  make my own mind up about music) I'm sure Kim Fowleys desperate to manage them as I'm desperate to be their  groupie lol .Anyway WoW!


  1. Oh just read up aout them.. Fowley did have some involvement#(typical) leading to two members of band leaving which is a damn shame, still the kickass potential is still intact..its refeshing to see as oppossed to all the clean cut shite that's vomited out of the t.v screens in the u.k

    1. Half of them are back from the dead... The Dead Heroines. X

  2. Cheers for the update -blimey this post was 11 years ago - If I can find some Dead Heroine vids I'll feature them in my April playlist
