Monday 31 December 2012

New Header January 2013

As you can see new headers up-thanks for voting here's a few pics of the winning Model and also a few of the runners up.

Sunday 30 December 2012

Leather Beauty Poll 16-Svea

Final poll of the year-forgive me if I post resultson New Years day rather than tomorrow -well its New Years Eve  so I'm bound to be away from computer in the evening.

Leather Beauty Poll 15-Camille

Leather Beauty Poll 15-Natalia

Leather Beauty Poll 15-Sunny

2013 Playlist

A few videos (20 in all ) of musical artists who should do well in 2013

Header Girl Poll 4-Model 1

At last I'm back , hope you all had a good Christmas.. Well it's the end of the year and also the end of the month so for January I've chosen four images of  which one will serve as the title image for this page till Febuary .. vote for your favourite one and I'll stick it at the top of this page  everyday

Header Girl Poll 4-Model 2

Header Girl Poll 4-Model 3

Header Girl Poll 4-Model Four