Friday 26 September 2008

Picture Post 144-Part 1

Wanted to post pictures just of Actresses linked to Star Wars(movies games tie- ins that sort of thing) today but I'm thinking that would be impossible(no pics of Carrie Fisher or (Koo Stark..who starred in first movie but ended up on cutting room floor) in leather that I can find at the moment.. but found some of Natalie Portman (Faux Leather) as she's opposed to real thing(but what an awesome Jacket..they should really make more of these in my opinion) and of Keira Knightly who played Padme's handmaiden Sabe(and doubles as the Queen in The Phantom Menace) If I find any more Star Wars linked pics I'll post them but I figure I may have to look for some Battlestar Galatica or Blade Runner linked pics next lol

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