Friday 9 January 2009

Leather Beauty Contest 2-And the winner is...Model 1- Nadine

A Runaway winner by the looks of things contest tomorrow.


  1. I like to compliment on the themes of your posts. How do you organize them yourself?

    Also on the model contest sets as well.

    Well done! Keep it up!

    Btw, do you want me to convert your blog to 3 columns or you prefer 2? You can make me an admin and change me to a moderator or delete me after that.

    Tell me which photo in your blog you like to use and I will make you a flash banner for you (but with the advertisement of course, didn't pay).

  2. hi
    Thanks ,its simple really , just put up what i'd like to see and hear really , I have a variety of interests so if they connect up with blog it's a bonus..
    I kind of like the layout of the blog at the moment , if I fancy a change of format i'll let you know..
    I had a go of making a bannr myself a few nights a go i put it up briefly ..but it disappeared a day after .. I'll let you go through blog and let you select image/imges you like best and turn it into banner .. i'll contact ou tomorro i'll at you to contributers much like how you did with me on my blog .. i'll be doing a post on Singapore sometime this week .Do you know any models actressesor singers from there that would look good on this page?
    anyway i'll send mail tmorrow late here in uk and need to get some shut eye lol :)
