Friday 17 April 2009

Any Ideas?

It's coming up to the first anniversary of blog(3rd of May) anybody got any requests, ideas , links, suggestionsiI'd be happy to oblige (within reason).. I'm thinking of changing look and format of blog too.not sure how yet but i'm thinking o doing away with leather beauty polls as well there's so much left out the runners up photos for example(which are always great too )so I may feature whole shoots that i find the day i discover them .. not sure yet ,,, another thing is credits I mean most of work I feature here isthe work of an artist (even if they may not see themselves in such a light)I should credit people .I barely ever ask . as I know most of the time I'd get a resounding no (or nein lol)therefore this blog would be very very bland and repeated images,Should I give credit to each photo at risk of them been pulled? My attitudeisthis any publilicty is good publicity .. I hope i'm right ,any thoughts on me or comment ? Sorry about all l this ranting today not staying in character


  1. The blogg is fantastic as it is. If there would be a way to get the some more feedback from the visitors that would be great. I bet you dont get enough credit for all the work you put in. Speaking for myself I was too lazy register for a google account until today so I haven't been able to even comment until today. Well well once again your work has been greatly appreciated. My girlfriends likes it too even if that means she has to fight for my attention on a daily basis...

  2. Thats good news your girlfriend likes it too, I hope blog don't come across as sexist or anything lol I don't think it is personally..infact I chatted to Cherry (featured today in a post)the other week and she said it was the opposite to sexist which is cool :0)..

  3. The gf agrees with Cherry. It's not sexist at all. The tone is not laddish or sexist in any way. Rather a celebration of women in leather. And lets face it folks if one can't celebrate ladies in leather what's there to celebrate at all?

    Be sure to compliment the lovely Cherry from me too. She's too hot ta trot (borderline sexist term of endearment? lol i'll let her decide)
