Monday 20 April 2009

Warm Leatherettes

Yesterday one of the most important writers of our age J.G Ballard passed away I felt I'd better do some kind of tribute to him no matter how silly it may seem on a blog of this nature .Ballard was the author of "Crash" which was interpretated into a film back in 1996 starring the three ladies above, Holly Hunter , Rosanna Arquette and Debroah Unger its an odd somewhat emotoinally barren film(Cronenberg was perfect director to capture this) I guess about a odd mental condition. It caused much controversary when it was released but Ballard actually liked the film .What tabloid papers and moral majority types misunderstood about the film is that Ballard was actually trying to deal with the demons that plagued him after his wifes premature death ..a form literal shock therapy..anyway he will be missed , he's one of those guys who understood and foresaw the madness of the modern world.


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  2. You're welcome... actually wrote something here for a change lol
