Saturday 16 May 2009


If you've visited this blog for the last year You'll know I gotta a thing for Emmanuelle Seigner..I must of done more than a few posts on her already here , here's a interview I don't understand a word of it apart from one sentence lol She's talking about her musical Group Ultra Orange and there first record ..I really hope they record a follow upas it was a very good effort.


  1. I'm a big fan of her's too. Frantic is a great movie. Polanski+Morricone+Emmanuelle in a biker jacket is hard to beat. I'll have to check that album out. Sounds promising. Nice to see the years have fared well with her btw :)

  2. She's same age as my sister still young, unlike her hubby 78 i'll forgive him as he's a wee genius lol..checkout Bitter Moon too she's amazing in that.

  3. Still married to Roman then I take it? A wee genius indeed. Bitter moon is indeed a great movie too. As is Emmanuelle in it. Albeit at tad scary..

  4. Peter Coyotes Character was a nasty piece of work in that film ,Polanski never makes things black and white in his films,guess thats thats why he's lasted so long as a successful director..his latest project sounds interesting..its about the Lead up to the war on Terror and stars Ewan McGregor.
