Wednesday 24 June 2009

Judge Hershey Poll-

Another Judge Dredd Poll-you may recall my Judge Anderson poll from a few monthes ago in which you cast Sarah Michelle Gellar for the role (from what I heard a few years ago the Late Natasha Richardson was one of the choices for Anderson for a script that was written)this time around I'd like to see who you'd liked cast for Judge Hershey (who was in the dreddful 1995 movie and played by Diane Lane..who was quite good .although it wasn't really Dredd a bit high camp for my liking that film what with Sly not wearing helmet and yelling alot) but I get the feeling the next Dredd film will be made by a lifetime fan and won't muck it up fingers crossed..anyway movie be out in a year or two so I read ..comingup are pics of four actresses who I think might make a good Hershey you chose the best choice for the job :) and I'll post a few more pics of them in a few day's.

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