Thursday 20 August 2009

And the Black Widow Is..?

Scarlett Johannson .. who will be featured in Iron Man 2..possibly spin offs too and Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury(big improvement on his last screencasting David Hasslehoff..I'll have to feature that film too at some point) The role was originally going to go to Emily Blunt (also pictured )I'll have to do a post on her when I get back ..she'd make a good Hydra mind you. OK seriously this is last post for a short while soon as I saw Black Widow costume couldn't help myself having a quick post lol ..blogging and a blog of this nature can become a little bit addictive lol ..but i'm off now ..Cheerio!

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
