Wednesday 26 August 2009

Tarantino Day Part 2-Julie

Julie Dreyfus who you will recognise as the lady who played Sofie Fatale(another wonderfully named QT cutie creation) in Kill Bill she also has a role in Inglorious Basterds as Goebbeles interpreter Francesca Mondino.. I could of done with her help over the weekend ordering food lol..awesome outfit here kind of similar to my character Louisa's outfit (sort of) If Quinten ever has desire to film a cybermod revenge fantasy set in a futuristic London my comic would be a good starting point..well you can always dream..


  1. I'm hearing mixed reviews on Inglourious Basterds..but no mixed review on this jacket....5 stars. West Coast Leather?

  2. Haven't seen it yet(although I've Read it)I'll be watchig it tonight after I've done a few posts here ..It looks like West Coast they're fond of adding colours and patterns and I guess this photowas taken in L.A so thatwouldmake sense ..I like it when people paint there own jackets..there was this girl atmy college she put all these wonderful psychedelic patterns on backof her jacket it looked really cool.. maybe i'll do a feature on that someday

  3. Well I just saw "Basterds" and I enjoyed it .. more dialouge and plot driven as opposed to Kill Bill(although last segment of Bill is great for that too)I didn't expect Saving Private Ryan or anything like that .. it's a good revenge flick.. although liberal with it's interpretation of history(to say the least)it's a climax that anyone who hates fascists has always wished for..which is satisfying although sadly untrue . As ever interesting choice of Soundtrack Morricone, Bowie and Davie Allan and the Arrows (all I guess borrowed from other soundtracks)
