Friday 7 August 2009

Thrill Warriors

Another Group from Sweden, jeez wish we had more bands like this in U.K makes more sense to me than blokes trying to dolly themselfs up(like they did back in the 80's ..although I love the New York Dolls and Hanoi Rocks) they're looking for a new singer maybe if I get a blonde wig?.. perhaps not my black Irish baritone and constant 5 oclock shadow would give me away make it to the top


  1. Hey hey hey long time no comment. Summer makes one lazy but I just had to comment on you posting pics and a clip of the lovelies that is Thrill Warriors. I had the good luck to see them live this summer. Great band and the live show is a lot of fun. Too bad about the singer leaving she was an absolute doll!

    Summer's been alright for you?

  2. yeah summers been fine apart from lack of sleep ..I liveysea so itsnoisy seagull season lol
