Tuesday 13 October 2009


Ok Channel Zero sounds shite besides flavor flav was dissing it so I'm Changing title of blog to Beatnik TV or BBC (Beatnik Broadcasting Company why - not eh?) better name for blog may bring more punters... new poll soon if i'm arsed lol)here's address for new blog http://beatniksbroadcastincompany.blogspot.com/ .. a bit more electic than this blog ..still good none the less.


  1. Hey..I tried to comment on the BBC blog but it wasn't letting me. In the words of Ray Wylie Hubbard..."no band was cooler than the 13th Floor Elevators".

  2. Yeah things have gone a bit tits up i accidently deleted all my links i'll have to rewrite them all ,watching thatfilm it's one of the saddest stories ever,especially for Roky and Stacy .. hope I don't get sued by the British Broadcasting Company lol

  3. I've got a cool documentary (and band) I'd recommend. "Plagues & Pleasures of the Salton Sea". Offbeat, humorous take on a sad real life ecological situation in California.

    Narrated by John Waters & soundtrack by very cool lounge-western twang band Friends of Dean Martinez.

  4. I found it on veoh(you'll have to sign into see whole thing though) so expect to see it on bbc blog soon :)
