Friday, 2 October 2009


saving the heaviest to last Brazil post for a whille on Saturday might do a post based on Chigago seeing as they lost out on Olympics


  1. No lie..WTF? Most thought Chicago was a slam dunk. On the other hand Brazil loves its metal.

  2. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise soon as it was announced that we in England were going to get the olympics some lunatics started bombing the city..didn't do Greece much favours by the looks of things ..wonder what type of music i'll find in Chigago should be a contrast

  3. Sarajevo would agree...

    My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult is a Chicago band that may have some good leather pics.

  4. I'll check them out ..i've heard of them ..I always get ..them mixed up with KMFDM I'll sww what I can find.
