Tuesday 24 November 2009

Old School Leathers 4

Wish I could of found some more .. always thought artwork on jackets look great especially if its an original design(as oppossed to just putting an album cover on the back ..I have seen some very un rock n roll backpatchs in my time..simply red for example lol) I guess jacket art started off in world war 2 with american bomber pilots but when 1960's came about it became a symbol of the counter culture .. it's something you don't see so often these days , which is a pity ..there was this girl at college who used too do her own designs they were very colourful and vivid naturally I was crazy about her ..never plucked up courage to talk to her ,i'm a bit shy you see , but I remembered  her design and stuck it on the back of my  comic characters jacket  as you can see here. She actually looked like my character and dressed like her too ..hope she don't sue me one day lol..
Heres a few videos about how to make your own jacket art
Plus heres some cool looking punk jackets all DIY

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