Sunday 24 January 2010

Leather Beauty Contest 100-Kinga

Phew! managed to find another six models for the 100th contest ... for nostalgia sake and in case you're kind of new to blog here's the very first leather beauty contest winners (from a year or or so ago)'t even give models a name back then I noticed and only second and third models would have a few pics . I stopped contests after awhile and rethought how to do it as I know some people voted for models but not always the winners so I decided to include runners up as the pictures tended to be great (even if they weren't voted for ) so here's link to the first leather beauty contest in its present form
notice how I used to credit photographer , I'd rather do that but in some cases I'm told to remove images which is a pity so I stopped . There is no copyright on good taste , eyesight and good art I think ..I hope you will agree.But If I like a particular photographer though in the future I think I may ask , especially if theme is repeated from time to time as I do value their work.

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