Monday 22 March 2010

Judge Gellar,Carpenter and Mendes

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Psi Judge Anderson

Charisma Carpenter as Judge Hershey

Eva Mendes as Judge DeMarco

If you've seen my other blog you may of seen my Judge Dredd photo manipulations ..with Clint etc done up in Megacity Judge uniform , so thought I'd have a go at the female characters on this blog .. You may remember I did a poll a while back to see who you would cast in these roles  if not maybe these posts will refresh memory
kind of obscure thing to vote for but if things go well in production of new Judge Dredd film these judges may end up household names by 2011 .. I have to admit  I'm not  too good at this Photomanipulation thing prefer painting (there are people out there that know what there doing ) but I think they look pretty good in uniform ..Sarah would certainly make a great Anderson ...just wish I had futuristic background to work with but the costumes came from a comic convention and I'm not  to savvy yet with moving images into backgrounds , but who knows may do a Judge Dredd story starring Clint and these ladies just for fun if I learn a bit more of how to do it.

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