Wednesday 24 March 2010

Leather Beauty Contest 230

The Winners -Marissa and Verena

In Second Place -Lisboa and Silkaye

 In Third Place-Valeria and Ev

 In Fourth Place-Anita and Kinga

Figured I'd do a new way of doing contst posts..seeing As it pushes other posts off the front page I'd do the Results in one big post  .. not sure how you browse blog but I imagine most people come to first page and then maybe surf somewhere else on web.. so this is why I'm doing this from now on .. It'll take longer to post but it'll be worth it .. many more great photos from these sessions but I can't post everything in one go I'm sure more will turn up on blog someday but in a more random always thank for voting poll soon.

Leather Beauty Contest 130
Marissa and Varena
Lisboa and Silkaye
Valeria and Ev
Anita and Kinga

Votes so far: 33

Poll closed

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