Friday 22 October 2010

Pursuit Of The Leather Girls

Sorry about the wait for a new post, this took a while to find and upload ,I found out about this film via my search for The Leather Girls the Japanese Band I featured Yesterday , instead I discovered this film Which been Mummies fans That the Leather Girls are like myself they took name from this budget rock film made back in 1988 , it's not Hollyweird cool so don't expect slickness , but its a good fun film that also has a serious hidden agenda , sadly the sad assholes that called themselves distrubuters back in the day did not help the director to get this film out ,even in underground circles and in consequence
she ended her life too soon which pisses me off because from seeing this she had many more great punk movies to make .. it's a crime this aint on DVD (then again to misquote The Mummies Fuck DVDS!)

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