Wednesday 13 April 2011

The Avengers Screencaps 27 -The Outside In Man(1964)

More than a lions share of leather in this episode, which you can find availiable on the season 3 boxset here's more details about it
I don't think they should ever re-make the Avengers as a TV show though; I saw parts of the remade Prisoner and they got it all wrong ,updating things usually ruins what was magical in the first place ,  but it would make a most excellent video game  they did a fairly good job on From Russia with Love a few years back with the original actors voices and from playing Goldeneye (the PS2 shooter)Honor's voice sounds much the same as it did in 64..just a thought..
Here's a short edited clip from "The Outside In Man "


  1. I'd love to catch some of these old episodes. Check out her dress/'s exactly the same style as all the new popular "military style" tops/coats....classic style is timeless.

  2. Now you come to mention it yeah that outfit does kind of have a Napoleonic Wars look about it,maybe that's one of the influences for Frederick Starkes design(he also designed some very cool looking mod clobber back then from what I've seen)Not sure he did Emmas most famous Catsuit though I'll have to look that up once I go through the Season 4 episodes.
