Monday, 10 February 2014

"A's Post 14-Marilo

A's sent me these screencaps featuring Spanish TV presenter  Marilo Montero- not quite sure what's happening to co-presenter here -perhaps he's warping into his  true form or constantly under attack by bees lol. none the less some nice pictures again from A-gracias amigo.


  1. Marilo Montero is a real beauty.
    That legs, her curves in leather.
    Marilo in skirt or leather pants, it's great.
    Photo, 1, 2 (repeated), 5 in order all.
    Translating from Cordoba - Argentina. Manuel

  2. Hi Manuel -glad you liked the post.

  3. Es una Mujer impresionamte guapa
    Marilo Momtero Con un cuerpo Divino
