Friday, 15 May 2015

May 2015-Playlist 3

PP Arnold- couldn't really find any others so I screencapped a few from video I featured here..qualities not  so great I know so don't complain.
Currently painting Pat and the Small Faces for a scene in my latest story.
Start off latest playlistwith a few Deluka tunes ..
Introducing-here at least -Oh!Gunquit - hopefully I'll ge to see them and Kinico Hotel towards end of month- I hope to blitz London, Brighton and surrounding areas towards end of the month  so playlist is a bit earlier (I really need to get out of this shithole for a short time at least )Photo by the ever excellent where I discovered another great new band -very much in Velvet Underground vein-right down to Sterling's surfpod -Beds in Parks

No Dum Dum Girls for a change on playlist-but Dee Dee features on husbands  (a very lucky fella) bands Crocodiles tunes (they seem to reliving Velvets , Bunnymen, Jesus and Mary Chain trip-good  to keep that spirit going-)
 Thunderpussy -(sounds like a good name for a Bond Movie -but there not from Alabama) a couple of tunes from them .

Playlist goes a bit "stark raving mod " towards it's climax featuring Eleanor Rigby- and a few garage tunes  with cool videos taken from I hasten a guess Italian movies -actresses have some nice jackets and coats that you may appreciate -although I wouldn't mind kicking the  Warren Beatty type smug guy in last video around the block a few times Joe Pesci style  lol .. could do a entire 60's garage/freakbeat  playlist featuring these  movie/mash-up videos  what with Fardonbeat , Blacflag and Sergio Walrus editing these fab videos -but it's probably better to feature new talent here -like if John Peel hooked up with Emma Peel
Updated- once you hit PP Arnorld tune-you gotta watch on youtube rather than here -no idea why? -it does mess with the rhythm of playlist though sadly -you'll have to refresh or go back-such a lovely song too.

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