Monday 31 December 2018

Best of "Looking at You" 2018

I wasn't sure I was gonna do this post ...but a nice way to round off the year -it's just that I'm not doing this feature anymore I think I only did two of these features in 2018 -but I'll select  3 bloggers I thought looked great -The Looking at You feature was nice whilst it lasted but  more things to get on with these days- and these blogs seem to get billions of hits anyhow
But I dig these  chicks style none the less first up is  Sara at

From Aurelia's blog

Last up for 2018 at least ..
All the best for 2019- I'm getting hammered which is good news for you -as I tend to treat my hangover finding beautiful pics to post the next day lol but thanks for visiting these last ten years.


  1. happy new year keep up you blog love it
    Earl: I certainly loves a leather beauty

  2. Thanks for sharing all year long your pics with us. keep on doing so and all the best for you

  3. Thanks glouglou68-Happy New year
