Sunday, 31 March 2019


Blogs at a bit of a standstill due to computer problems -I've bought a new tower as I get through laptops like after eight mints it seems -but having problems with that too (doesn't seem to want to install windows 10 I had to buy that separately too ) so i'm writing this on a ps4 at the moment I do wish I could post new pictures but impossible right now but alittle closer to returning please bare with me may get things up and running within the week but who knows? Still theres 10 yearsWorth of content here so you musn't grumble back soon(ish)


  1. No worries, John, you have long ran the best leather site on the web, so hang on in there old son!

  2. I'm afraid you guys will have to wait a bit longer new computer may have to go back to its seller already which is drag I haven't had much luck getting it booted with windows 10 ._still I appreciate the support blog willl return when humanly possible

  3. No worries, John, and as always thanks for all the hard miles you put in. While many leather chat rooms and forums have come and gone, you and NJRS remain the best sources on the web by many light years

  4. I should be back blogging in a few hours I think I may of sorted out computer problems fingers crossed
