Friday 16 October 2020

October 2020 Playlist


All Monsters must be Destroyed come November -but we'll see... Niagara with Destroy All Monsters /The Hitmen & Dark Carnival.


Juliette and the Hot Licks - They'll be a few other stars of the silver screen in the post- such is the shortage of new videos right now
Suggs with "I Am." -From The Avengers 1998 movie -a grand excuse to feature Uma here again

Seeing as I'm on a Emma Peel trip -Laurie Johnson' theme Remixed

At least ther's one new release on this Playlist featuring Roisin Murphy - "Roisin Machine" my sister had to put up with that nickname throughout primary school lol-plus a few classic Moloko tracks (kinda of bowler hatted themed this playlist )

Keeping it Sheffield and Clockwork Orangey with Heaven 17 and Carol Kenyon -who is also featured here awesome version of  "Give Me Shelter" featuring Sir Mick and a Paul Hardcastle tune I haven't heard since the days of Delbert Wilkins


Another great  Soulstress PP Arnold  along with  Sylvia Mason, Vicki Brown and Helen Chaprlle

with their tribute to The King -which nicely segues into same song...

Vicki  Brown and The Breakaways

Wouldn't be any Leather Beauty blog if I sidn't see Suzi as a toddler on the box (looked way more interesting than Mud or Slade)

Stiv Bators with Lords of the New Church - with a Underworldish  video  so a good excuse to feature some Kate and Rhona

Big shout out to

where you'll Kate and many many more galleries


The Return of the Beastie Gals  Luscious Jackson

Unashamedly nostalgic -but I do hope things pick up soon  so I can post some newer acts -sad whats happening to the music business  but where theres a will theres a way even in these torrid times.

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