Saturday 14 November 2020

November 2020 Playlist

 Sorry about the wait -took some time also worried about my friend so haven't really been in the mood recently -mind I did post a few pics on LBII over the course of the week- Nice to see yet another new video from Baby Shakes  plus a few more early perfomances from a few years back

 Not sure I've featured The Cleopatras before so a few videos from them

Mainly eastern european this playlist (especially Serbian and former Yugoslavia - least Tito allowed rock music to happen not sure about USSR but I'm sure their would of been a Underground scene as with anything that's repressed) been a while since I featured The Jack Wood from Siberia so here they are again.
Soon as I heard Iv Pip a model who I've featured here quite a bit over the last couple of years was to star in Texas Flood's video just had to be on this playlist and inspired the choice of the next few songs One day I'll get around to painting her as a character in comic as well as Carla Monaco - kinda like Debbie Harry  from Blondie (who based her image on a cartoon character)
Keeping it Bluesy some serious shredding the amazing Ana Popovic
Continuing my research into Slavic Rock n Roll with Sladana Milosevic

May of featured Boye and Dosta! Dosta !Dosta !a few years back here - no harm in a repeat especially as it's great as this  Dosta mean Enough in English I just found out

Habibi with a  subdued version of Angel Eyes

Wow theres a Fonz statue ?- wish I was cool as him don't we all?

 To complete playlist  including a version of a Clash song and a lovely tribute to Joe Strummer by Jim Jarmusch -Lucinda Williams

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